Client Stories

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“The greatest discovery of my generation is that man can alter his life simply by altering his attitude of mind”
– William James

Our clients are corporations and individuals who aspire to achieve optimal performance on a consistent basis. They have a desire to lead within their lives and industries and they understand that, in order to achieve this success, they must train and adapt their minds.

Here are some prime examples of clients who have seen incredible success through our sessions:

Case Example #1 : Training High-Level Managers to Function Optimally as a Cohesive Unit During a Time of Change

A multinational pharmaceutical company approached Solutions In Mind because their senior management team was, for the first time, faced with the prospect of having to more aggressively promote and sell their product. The members of this group had participated in numerous team-building trainings in the past, and they were looking for something new and different to optimize their performance.

They initially retained Solutions In Mind to present a one-day advanced team-building workshop. Rather than offering just another “experiential” or “game” scenario, we solved their challenge by designing a workshop that incorporated advanced strategies in the areas of peak performance and team dynamics.

The Solution

We began by conducting an in-depth needs assessment to discover what this team had found to be beneficial and not beneficial in past training. This assessment also provided a better understanding of what the client hoped to gain from our workshop, and what had to happen for them to know that it was a valuable use of their time and resources.

Next, we custom-designed a team building training that we believed would be most beneficial to this team and their unique situation. This training incorporated information about how the brain processes and filters information. We also included valuable information concerning how individuals have varying traits that serve to motivate them and by which they prefer to work, as well as how we increase our flexibility by respecting and leveraging the differences within any team environment.

The Results

Our initial workshop was extremely successful in meeting the requirements of this highly educated and scientifically minded team. Feedback was overwhelmingly positive, so much so that Solutions In Mind was asked to continue with training over the tumultuous following year while the company underwent drastic organizational changes. Subsequent workshops focused on emotional intelligence as an essential component in effective leadership and change management. Additionally, we were asked to engage in the role of coaching individual executives who were seen to be key team members.

As one individual commented:

“Excellent presentations of new concepts, unique and different from what we normally see. It is a breath of fresh air required to get us started on a very important journey”

Case Example #2: How Different Levels of Management Learned to Effectively Communicate

The senior management team in one of Cadbury Adams Canada’s Ontario manufacturing plants desired to reduce costs and increase quality on the production line. To do this, they needed to learn how to overcome persistent communication, performance, and accountability issues between their various levels of management. Simply put, they required clarity regarding expectations and a clear understanding of each other.

This challenge required a customized solution to allow management to understand the thought processes involved in influencing and changing behaviour. To achieve this, Solutions In Mind assisted them to evaluate the limiting beliefs that were creating obstacles for their desired behaviour.

The result was a new level of awareness between levels of management. This awareness allowed effective communication and clarity of expectations that subsequently led to a significant shift in behaviour.

The Solution

Following the initial needs assessment phase, Solutions In Mind began by conducting psychological profiling of the motivational and working traits of members of the various levels of management. This provided information at a process level that enabled us to coach each tier to understand what went on inside the heads of their colleagues, and to be more effective when communicating with each other, with the ultimate goal of achieving desired results.

Together, we investigated and analyzed limiting beliefs. Solutions In Mind’s coaching resulted in an understanding and appreciation of how these beliefs were formed, what was maintaining them, and how best to change them. We facilitated the replacement of limiting beliefs with more empowering ones and attached the appropriate value to performing desired behaviours.

The Result

Results throughout the plant were dramatic. Miscommunication was significantly reduced. The various management levels developed an appreciation for the roles and thought processes of individuals at other levels. Employees commented that their jobs became more enjoyable and easier to perform. They felt that management had a new appreciation and understanding of their roles within the company, as well as of them personally.

An overall improvement was seen in the company’s established key performance indicators, including increased productivity and reduced waste. Senior management credited these improvements to the tools that Solutions In Mind offered through their ongoing coaching and reinforcement, and to the managers’ commitment to effectively applying these tools to optimize their work.

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